Clasificados » DR_SPANKING

Categoría: sumiso busca Ama. - Publicado el 07/04/2024

Soy Dr
_ Spankig_Anna
You're a spanker boy, I'm looking for you a strong spanking girl who wants to come system spank me....

You ask for a real spanking, with hands, slippers, belt, rod,...
Serious, educated, healthy and discreet and boy '' Also disobedient to and spoiled...

I'll pull your pants and boxers down y and give you what you deserve I beat her ass red or purple until I see fit......

Telegram look at my punches....
Spanking #strong #submissive #sumisoSoy Dr Spankig_Anna
You're a spanker boy, I'm looking for you a strong spanking girl who wants to come system spank me....

You ask for a real spanking, with hands, slippers, belt, rod,...
Serious, educated, healthy and discreet and boy ''

Málaga #marbella

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